Bullet Shot

Nothing could make Noell feel bored and emotional as her eyes kept glancing at her watch.

For God's sake, Noell stood for more than an hour waiting for Nathan to arrive. Noell thought that she had been completely cheated by Collin. Her eyes looked back around.

There was only a park that out there which had turned off its lights. The bus stop in front of Noell had been empty for the last 45 minutes. Her hands crept into the pocket of her black jeans. Trying to avoid the cold night temperatures piercing her bones.

Just a few seconds ago, her mouth felt bitter when she saw several cars suddenly stop right in front of the store. Right in front of her. Wouldn't she be told if this time, she would meet with Nathan? Noell cursed Collin again inwardly when several men in black got out of the car.

She almost reacted strangely when the men in neat suits passed through the left side of her body and entered the shop. If she wasn't used to dealing with unexpected situations like this, it would have been obvious that her disguise was useless.

"Get out of here if you don't want to get into trouble, young lady."

Noell glanced sharply at a man whose height was the same as hers. Feeling that her disguise was okay, she snorted harshly at the man.

"Grace? Sorry for the long wait. My father was guarding the door of the house and I was forced to go through the window to get out,"

Noell rolled her eyes in annoyance when she saw Collin breathing heavily in front of her. Maybe this is what Noell and Collin do every day. Full of acting and drama.

"One hour Jeff! You want to make me paralyze my leg so I won't be able to walk because I'm standing for hours waiting for you here? Don't be ridiculous!"

"Oh come on, Grace. You won't be paralyzed just by standing for an hour. Besides, what's wrong with you guys? Are you trying to flirt with my girlfriend?"

Collin stared sarcastically at the man standing not far from Noell. The man snorted and looked at Noell with a contemptuous look.

"You are surely match made in heaven. You both look like two idiots."

Noell pulled Collin's hand and walked away from the place. She ignored the man completely and dragged Collin so he wouldn't overdo it. Noell was disgusted at the man's words. A match for Collin? Idiot? Motherf*cker!

"Don't forget to call your mama so she won't worry about you, Darling. You stupid couple, huh?"

Collin gave his middle finger to the group of men who laughed at Noell and himself. He turned and embraced the Noell who now walked by his side.

"Nathan isn't here. Was your information source credible, Collin? You're still stupid as usual,"

Collin chuckled in response to Noell's spicy mouth. Since joining the team, maybe only he could relax with Noell's scolding every day. Collin wasn't the type to be easily offended. Whereas Noell was the type of person who could never filter the words from her mouth.

"They're watching. I don't think it's the right time to spy on Nathan today. How are you observing?"

Noell released Collin's hug harshly. Her shoulders were heavy as the Hawk's team leader, she didn't need Collin's weak and frail arms on added weight to them.

"Still smells of gunpowder from a distance. And my instincts reacting just now, maybe it's not just us who are looking for Nathan,"

Collin furrowed his brows. If indeed other people were targeting Nathan, then had the information been leaked? He had not even received confirmation from the center for the expansion of the case.

"This is my strongest suspicion. We act now or keep waiting for confirmation from the captain. I know Nathan is hiding in one of the buildings around here and is watching the situation. If we take advantage of the situation when Nathan feels that everything is safe, we can sneak up and get out of here, "

Collin stared at Noell's blond locks. What did this mean? Indeed this is not the right time to attack Nathan when he came out of hiding. But can't they still absorb information about their movements now? Why leave this place in such a hurry?

"This is not the right time to be a coward, Noell. If your guess is right Nathan is around here, so what are we waiting for?"

Noell continued to walk straight. Her sense of smell becomes sharper when the gunpowder feels stronger. And that felt really wrong to be in this place. She felt her every movement was being watched by someone. But indeed Noell did not feel that there was anyone else outside this store besides herself and Collin.

And the next second, Noell realized something and immediately regretted her slow response.


The bullet fired in their direction behind the shop they passed. Luckily Collin had good enough reflexes to pull Noell and run through the narrow alley next to the building.

"Damn it! They knew from the start,"

Collin kept running after Noell, who somehow led the way out. Yes, it was better than leaving Noell behind. Noell was the only valuable asset in the team. Because, behind her womanly figure, she hid so many skills. She was a genius. That was the right word.

"I foolishly didn't recognize this smell. All this time, my instinct told me there something wrong here."

Noell continued to run away with Collin. They didn't know where they will escape. Perhaps the most important thing now was to look for a hiding place before the bad guys managed to surround them. Her green eyes swept across every building before seeing someone slip out of a window on the second floor.

Noell was cornered. Really unlucky.

"Noell, split now!"

Noell nodded and threw a gun at Collin.