Dinner Threat

-New house-

Noell spent time with boring things for almost two weeks.  She no longer uses a wheelchair, no longer cooks while sitting and no longer spends time with excessive low back pain. Her hands were busy pressing the television remote button, switching from one show to another. All news only contains propaganda of foreign nationals in various cities.

Noell understood the situation very well. Considering the General did not worry about this, and let the little mess. They think it's good for them to act while waiting for their little fox to recover. Nathan will be preoccupied with a small fly for a while, whereas on the other hand, he continued to carry out activities as usual. Sell and buy some illegal and encroachable goods in the United States.

Noell turned off the television and threw the remote on the table. She leaned her back on the sofa so boring. The sun has fallen in its twilight. Leaving her in the living room was like a pile of stones that were either useful or not. She growled bored and immediately rose to the back room. There are handles on both sides for her to practice walking perfectly. And this is the fifth time Noell has practiced.

There isn't much she did. Just walk slowly and try not to rest on both feet, because the pain is very painful when he stands perfectly, especially on the thighs. She leaned her two sticks and slowly reached for the iron handle. She can indeed move her legs a little, it's just that it takes extra struggle given how painful the pain is. Thin sweat began to wet her forehead when she had walked one round.

Her eyes were so focused and ill-fated for Noell when her sweaty, slippery palms made Noell lose her grip and automatically rested on her left leg, she incurred in pain.

"Arghh ..." Noell groaned, gripping her thigh. When her knees went limp, she was restrained to fall to the floor, when a handheld her.

"Are you okay, Noell?" The voice made her furrow her brows.

"Don't your parents teach you manners when you get into someone else's house? You jerk!" Noell has cursed Nathan when she saw him hugging her body to stand in position.  She was annoyed.

"I just do things efficiently. You don't have to bother walking to open me the door, because I can go right in to see you," She snorted harshly. She slapped his chest so that she was so intimate with Nathan holding her waist with both hands, while Nathan faced her.

"You don't seem to give me privacy, Nathan. Should I do the same for you?" She looked at Nathan sarcastically. He shook his head.

''No. I do not allow you to enter my territory, Noell," And only replied with a scornful laugh from Noell.

"Oh? I might find some speculation if your territory is not far from women who are not clothed and are living crazy with wine. You naively met and adored me even though you had everything you wanted," Nathan smiled a little.

"But the fact that you always dress in front of me and nag me every time we meet, can that refute your speculation?" Noell immediately went berserk. It's useless to debate with him, he always easily reverses her words and strikes back afterward. She was too lazy to respond, just wasting energy.

''It's better if the handle is coated with a towel so you don't slippery hold it," Nathan slowly walked backward, followed by her slowly.

"I know that, you don't teach me, okay? Your IQ doesn't qualify to be my teacher,'' She replied as spicy as ever. And Nathan? Certainly very like that spicy.

"At least I won one point from your IQ," Noell rolled her eyes lazily, trusting him only added to her sin. If she believed in Nathan, meaning believing that there were many gods.

She leaned her head against his chest and her hand gripped Nathan's black coat tightly. Exactly like a hug forced by the dance partners. But unlike Noell, she was there with a sour face with a slight hiss because of illness. Nathan continued to help her to practice walking when she deliberately kissed her head gently. Enjoy the scent of her shampoo and enjoy the warmth of her body.

"Noell? You haven't had dinner yet,"

"It's still too early for dinner,"

 "I'm not good at cooking if you expect me to cook something for you," Noell again just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I also don't want to eat your cooking. Pig alone probably won't eat it even if it's the best quality steak, " Nathan laughed.

"I don't know if a pig eats steak. Can pigs order at well-known restaurants to order Wagyu? "

"Why don't you make your own thesis about this discovery? I'm very not interested in discussing pork ordering Wagyu." Nathan laughed and hugged her. She cusses talks that always make him comfortable.

He held Noell even tighter. And she could only hear Nathan's breathing rhythm and his heartbeat that felt so comfortable her felt. When each of them feels the comfort of each other.

Noell just continued to walk slowly and calmly when she heard his voice vibrate as he spoke on the chest. But she certainly wouldn't admit that she liked it. She just didn't like him increasingly continuing to disturb her peaceful days.

And the training was finished. He was reluctant to let go of his arms, she glared and annoyed to death as he continued to guide Noell out of the room and took her to the kitchen. She continued to curse all the way to the kitchen until Nathan leaned her on the kitchen table.

There when he loosened his arms a little and found her ferocious look, Nathan smiled. For him, Noell was very sexy when putting on a frightening face. I don't know, maybe he likes all kinds of negative things from her.