Ice Skating Boy

Noell looked at Nathan with a made-up concern.

"Ooh~ how pitiful," Nathan snorted harshly before he pulled her closer to him.

"Damn it! You're looking for another chance again, '' Noell grumbled. He just quietly looked at her softly. From the look in her eyes, Noell knew very well that this was the first time he was interacting with someone new. Even the physical contact they make is only physical contact that is not based on theories that bind the brain.

Even when their lips touching so softly, she could not think of any theory for this. She felt very strange when her body felt comfortable with the harassment Nathan had carried out, too often. Suppose she did not even have any experience in terms of feelings during her life. Except for the feeling of love and protecting her family.

That gentle, non-demanding kiss made Noell constantly argue with her own thoughts. The interlocking lips left an unfamiliar stream in her mind. Like Nathan who overflowing all emotions in her with the kiss. In the silence of the night above the lights of the sparkling lights and under the lights of the stars that also sparkled.

She immediately rubbed her face roughly after the kiss scene was last remembered. Leaving three people who were confused when he saw her face flushed up to the ear until Noell ate her food passionately and full of emotion.

Her mood is like the weather, which always changes quickly.

-On the way home-

Annoying afternoon haunting Noell. She sat in her car seat and cursed all the way due to traffic jams. Who would have thought she took longer to get home. Though she wanted immediately to soak in warm water because her body was tired, especially her mentally. Her hand glanced at the clock in Her hand.

Noell was more and more annoyed and finally turn her car the other way. And here she is, went to a luxurious big Mall in city A. This is the first time she has set foot in a luxurious Mall like this. Lots of crystal chandelier decoration in corridors along she can see. A large fountain with a horse statue that stands on its hind legs and poses in gold-colored. Noell was even more astonished when she saw the direction of the Ballroom downstairs. There is an extensive ice skating park throughout the entire lower floor.

"How much is the state's loss just to build this mall. How much is the budget for this crazy Mall ... tsk tsk tsk... I can't imagine, " Murmured Noell and walked on the edge of the guardrail. She could clearly see little kids skating from above.

Actually Noell himself never played ice skating. So when her eyes saw some ice skating trainers playing there, she was a little interested. But when her eyes were fixed on a child who was standing at the edge of the fence and staring down with an unpredictable look. Whereas when she saw the boy wearing skating shoes, it allowed Noell to think that this boy might not know the way to the bottom floor.

She walked near that kid.

"Hey little Robin Hood, it looks like you need something help," said Noell, slightly surprised by the look of the boy.

His round eyes seeing her with an enthusiastic look. When he faced Noell he did not hold on to the fence and as a result he unbalanced and fell backward. Noell smiled funny when the boy then tried to stand up and managed to stand up while stroking his aching buttocks. The boy immediately pouted.

"I'm not a fairy who will grant your request, but you can ask me, '' Said Noell, delighted only to see a boy dressed in a shirt and trousers, just like a young businessman.

Noell seemed to think the boy would ask her to take her downstairs to play ice skates there. But when she saw the boy staring down, he immediately glared at someone there. Who knows, she couldn't even see clearly because of the crystal lights that made her eyes get hurt.

"I don't want to skate with aunt Linda," Noell was confused. Who is aunt Linda?

Noell stared at the boy's eyes. There was seen a young woman with enough clothes to make her say that this boy has a distinguished status. Noell also held the young boy's shoulder.

"In that case, I cannot grant your wish, little boy. Because you are doing the wrong thing right now," the boy looked at Noell sadly. Noell was touched.

Some children in the world sometimes do not like family members of their parents because of many factors. Noell could guess that this little boy had a special polemic when he came to this place which was supposed to have fun with his family, ending up with his aunt. And not together with his mother or father.

"But I hate aunt Linda," the boy replied innocently. The look on his face looked very sad and he played the end of his long tie like he always felt lonely.

"Is he mean to you?" Asked Noell, feeling deeply hurting in her heart to see that lonely little boy. On her caress the top of the boy's head with affection. The boy shook his head.

"Then why doesn't little Robin Hood-like him?" The boy then sat on the floor with his knees bent. Noell followed him.

"Because Aunt Linda is a con artist. She is kind to me because she wants dad to pay attention to her. I don't like con artists," Noell almost slapped her forehead in stare disbelief when a child this small could judge someone like that.

"You know? Some people always have a mask to protect themselves and even to achieve a goal," the boy looked at Noell and then bowed his head.

"I love it when I am with Daddy. He never put on his mask when playing with me," the boy answered with sparkling eyes happy. Noell smiled later.

"Then? Am I wearing a mask too like your auntie?" The boy looked at Noell seriously before he shook his head slowly and looked at Noell with his eyes sparkling funny.

"But I'm wearing a mask. Look," Noell immediately covered her face with both hands and let her eyes peek a little behind the gap. The boy looked at her in confusion.

"Bwlaaaa!" Noell opened her face and put on a silly face to make the boy startled and finally laughed. She stroked the boy's hair softly.

"If you don't want to play with Aunt Linda, you can just ask to go home. You can play with your toys at home," the boy nodded in understanding.

When Noell was about to take the boy to his aunt who was always busy with his cellphone, suddenly a man approached her and pointed his knife at her waist. They were so close that only Noell and the little boy saw.

"Sister -" the boy embraced her hand and even Noell could feel the boy's body tremble as if shivering with fear.

"Give this kid to me, if not-"