Birthday Party

"Noell? Very rare. Coffee?" senior Noell said.

"No, thank you. My stomach feels sore right now. I skipped lunch, whereas this morning I only got one slice of sandwich," David laughed.

"Hahaha. That's what Noell is. The quota of humans who were present on the last day of the dress rehearsal increased beyond the limit. I only got lunch. There's still a little bit of my luck," David chuckled when Noell sighed.

"What about your mission? I think your job is much worse and sadder than me who only oversees the President's safety every single day," David took a sip of his coffee. Noell shook her head very frustrated.

"Only I can do it. I still have 98 lucky cards right now," Noell said praise herself. David laughed again.

"Yes, no human would live with an accident injury like that. You're an exception because you have an express ticket to kick grim reaper butt away from your side. Hahaha, "

"I'm lucky, okay? A little luck," they walked out of the cleaning area.  Some area officers immediately secured the location of the event for tomorrow.

"I hear some people are talking about spy right now. What's wrong with them?" Noell shrugged her shoulders unconcerned?

"They're just trying to pry into this mission. My team has to deal with foreign intelligence fo mission information I got. They won't be able to get what they want. That's all," David nodded in understanding.

"I've seen them occasionally around the front of the palace gate. It's really scary. Every day watching like trying to find an opportunity every second. You know? The president even added three personnel by his side," Noell raised his eyebrows.

"With the same person?" David nodded.

"I don't care. Every time we do cleaning they always escape the net," Noell furrowed her brows.

"The president is very careful. The crime rate is rising sharply right now, "

"You're right Noell. Alright, I'll go first. My wife is waiting for me at home," Noell nodded.

"Don't race," David left.

Noell walked to her car. She searched for several fast-food restaurants nearby and found burger restaurants. Ordering two large burgers and mineral water, Noell finished her meal during the trip home. Forget it, she occasionally violates the rules of eating while driving alone. No problem, only he knows. Bad habit.

The next day, Noell in full uniform dressed neatly with her team immediately spreader on the coordinates point. All went well until it was time for her to switch tasks. When the special night party invited guests and several reporters who covered. Noell in her blue dress headed for the examination table.

"Noell, it is not permitted to bring firearms and sharp weapons into the room. You just leave them here," said the officer recognizing Noell.

She smiled a little, took out a small penknife under her bun hair, pulled out a gun which she tucked into her thigh complete with a holster. Instantly the officers shook their heads. Seeing a woman wearing a dress elegantly, slipping a firearm and sharp weapons in her body. It's pretty scary if they think dating a beautiful woman like Noell. Maybe it's the end for him.

"Can I come in?" The officers nodded after storing her items and exchanged them for the locker key.

Noell was only there as an invited guest because of the kindness of the President who let her attend there respectfully. Noell looked around, so many people in fancy clothes and suits. Luckily she has a dark blue dress that is not too flashy, but very suitable for her.

"What should I do now?" Noell asked herself.

Noell was there not knowing what to do. Because this is the first time attending a luxurious official party. She brought herself to the drink table. Take a sip of champagne and trying to memorize new faces the president family in the room. And when she took her second glass, she was shocked by the pull on her skirt. Landon is there.

"Noell Sis!" Noell was so surprised and she immediately looked around. Where did Reave go, how could Landon escape from his guarding?

"Landon. Who are you here with?" Noell immediately brought him to the edge in the sweet food area. Landon there looked very happy when seeing Noell.

"Noell?" She turned to Reave as he walked toward her. It looks like he and Landon have just arrived.

"Mr. Kreisberg," Noell bowed respectfully. Again, he did not like that attitude.

"Call me Reave, "

"I'm so sorry, I don't have the authority to do that," Reave shook his head.

He looked at her carefully. Her knee-length blue dress really fit on her body. Lace dresses that cover the neck to her arms very contrast with the color of her pale white skin. Its aura seemed to come out naturally, like a chunk of shell that protected the pearl in its body.

Noell, with a simple hair bun bandages beautiful hair brown. A silver hairpin that holds strands by piece of hair that getaway on her forehead. Decorated the curve of the jaw that was firm and strong. Do not forget the thin makeup. Reave could not hold his lips to smile admiring the beauty of her.

"I didn't know you would be a good fit to wear a dress," Reave said, not insinuating. Noell also gave a small smile.

"My colleague will die laughing because they see me wearing a dress," said Noell politely.

"No, you're beautiful Noell. It's just that you often deny it," Reave looked at her with a shady look. She just looked down, do not know what to respond to.

When they talked long enough, Reave and Landon went to greet the President and congratulate the mother country. Noell stepped into the balcony area with a glass of wine in her hand. She never knew if a party was this boring when she didn't bring a partner.

Her hands wigle her wine, staring boldly at the night sky. No wind blows around him, Noell feels nothing as he daydreams a little. And suddenly Noell became alert after she suddenly felt a glare behind her body. Noell was too much shock, she immediately at the throwing of the wine glass at that shadow before she hissed sharply.


That wine ended and broken on the wall when Nathan dodging nimbly.

"I'm ready to be your date at this party, Noell, " Nathan said suddenly crazy.

He quickly tried to approach Noell but lost quickly when she jumped up the fence and gave a rotate kick there. Nathan was pushed back, he felt his elbows aching as how strong Noell had kicked.

But there was no other chance when Noell was about to jump down from the balcony, Nathan pulled her body back and made her fall into his arms.


Nathan immediately silenced her mouth and take her to the corner of the balcony and press her body there. Nathan kissed Noell fiercely when she hasn't had time to make out a swear word for him. Not giving Noell a chance to scream and even rebel, Nathan raised her to sit on the fence while maintaining their kisses.

Noell felt a little dizzy when she was thinking about whether his brain is working well right now?