Chapter 139: Leena's visit (Morning)

The morning sun had kissed her awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her angelic face. She opened her eyes and slowly, drowsily, and lopped sidedly she smiled before glancing in her brother's direction hoping to see the latter already awake. However, her smile died and got replaced by a sigh when Gracier saw her brother still sleeping, there was nothing that indicates he would be waking soon.

After standing and going to the bathroom, Gracier comes back after some time with a washbowl and towel. 

Suddenly, Silveria appeared and helped Gracier to remove Alex's clothes, she then holds him as Gracier cleaned his body. After finishing, the two helped Alex to get dressed again before laying him back in the bed. 

''How long did you think he will stay in the coma for?" Gracier asked worry written all over her face. 

Silveria took a sit on the other side of the bed and pondered for a moment before answering.