Chapter 148: A Little Lesson

With the help of Alex and Gracier, Conrad buried the dead bodies.

Alex spat out a sigh as they finished. Conrad summoned another magic carriage, this one was more beautiful, it was a white carriage beautifully decorated. 

''So, you have a spare one?" Alex asked while admiring the beauty of this carriage. 

''I do. Well, it seems that G- Miss Leena had predicted something like this would happen, hence she left another carriage just in case.'' Conrad explained. 

''I see,'' Alex mumbled, lost in thought, he was more interested in what Conrad wanted to say but changed to Miss Leena. What that G meant?

''I say, Alex. Do you offend someone you shouldn't, reason why there's always people after your life?" Conrad asked. His voice jerked Alex back to awareness.

Alex's lips twitched when he finally understood Conrad's question.