Chapter 161: Roman Fishburns

Let's rewind time back a bit.

As Alex was observing Freya.

On the other side where Leonardo and the others were seated, Katherina had already left to go to the emperor's side. 

Leonardo was whispering something into the ear of one of the nobles sitting beside him.

This noble had brown hair and brown eyes, he was a little bit handsome. If Alex were to see this man, he would've identified him as being related to Larry Fishburns, because the two look alike, however, this man was more mature, more handsome than Larry, Roman Fishburns, Larry's Fishburns big brother. 

''Roman, that man is the one that crippled your brother. To humiliate him, from what I see is currently Rank 5 at the best. Challenge him and beat him, the princess will allocate more resources to you.'' 

Hearing Leonardo's words, Roman went into contemplation for a moment before raising a question,