Chapter 184: Training Resumes

Just as Alex returned home, he decided to resume his training. Laying down, he was brought to the Illusionary Battlefield.

He appeared right inside the Endless Forest. 

Looking around him, Alex saw that he was back in his previous location where he massacred a lot of wolves. However, while it was the same location, no dead bodies were laying around, the forest was peaceful. 

Summoning his silver gun, Alex started to advance deeper into the Endless Forest, his divine sense was activated. 

As usual, Silveria was watching everything from the sky. 

After walking for fifteen minutes, Alex's divine sense caught something, at first it was only one red dot moving in his direction at fast speed, however, one turned into two, then three, it didn't stop there it was increasing. 

Alex's expression turned serious as he could feel the ground shaking. He immediately used Xerox to create another identical copy of Silveria.