Chapter 199: On the other side 2

Bothered by Alex's behavior Leon asked, Ferris and Eris were also looking at him.

''Amy has already lost.'' He said. 

''How so?" Ferris couldn't help but ask this question. 

Meanwhile, Leon studied the platform and noticed something unusual going on. 

''What is that?" He pointed his finger at the stage. There were small burnt holes all over the platform, however, if it was only that Leon wouldn't be concerned about it, it is because currently, those holes were emitting small amount of smoke. 

''It seems that you've noticed them. It's a trap Gracier lay when they were fighting for the finale.'' Alex explained. 

''A trap?" Leon was intrigued, he wondered what kind of trap this was. Ferris and Eris were also curious as they had finally noticed the holes emitting smoke.

''Don't worry you will see what kind of trap that it is soon.'' Alex chuckled. 

~Back on the stage.