Chapter 201: Magic Gunslinger Vs Hero 1

After announcing the name of the participants of tomorrow's first match, Chris continued by announcing the name of the other participants.

''The second match will be between Ferris Wolfang and Leon Lionheart, third match: Artemia Eretria Von Havens Vs Maria Alexa Rosares, and lastly Damien Constantine Crux Vs Gracier Alexandra Touch.'' 

Leon grinned flashing you are doomed smile at Ferris, the latter grinned.

Maria and Gracier couldn't help but sigh as none of their enemies is weak. 

''Don't worry, just do your best. If it doesn't work you will at least learn from this failure.'' Alex petted Gracier's head. 

''Well said.'' Artemia who overheard Alex's words said. 

''Maybe we will face each other in the next match,'' Alex said. 

''I don't think so. Like I said it, it will in the final.'' Artemia said while smiling, she seemed sure of her words. 

Alex couldn't only shrug his shoulders not saying anything.