Chapter 213: Assassination Attempt 1: A deadly Luna

Alex with Luna on his shoulders was walking back to their villa when suddenly,  he accel-ed, disappearing from where he was to reappear twenty meters away. The expression on his face was serious, even the smile on Luna's face had disappeared.

A black blade landed where the was, the ground melted, this indicated that there was a corrosive poison on the blade.

Luna had already left Alex's shoulders and was standing beside him while vigilantly looking around. She was so furious that she started emitting killing intent, someone dares to disturb her peaceful moment with her man. They must have a death wish, she could roughly sense few assassins lurking in the dark. 

When she glanced at Alex, she saw him relaxed, there was no hint of fear on his face, on the contrary, it seemed as though what he had been waiting for has come.

Looking into the dark alley Alex said with a long sigh,