Chapter 226: Seen through Schemes

Alex fell on the ground face, his left arm was gone, sliced off by the frozen Shadow General (now broken in pieces) when they were passing each other, at that time Alex shooted an Ice bullet into the monster mouth.

Silveria was surprised at how the match ended, suddenly, her expression changed, looking in a certain direction she couldn't help but smile.

''It's about to get interesting.'' She murmured before her presence receded as if she was not present. 

Unaware of what happened Alex rested for a moment before crawling toward his severed arm before connecting it back. His regenerative ability kicked in mending the severed flesh and connecting the bones and muscles, everything happened so fast that in few minutes his severed arm was good as new. 

Alex sat cross-legged, he decided to think about the previous fight. 

It happened at that moment, a sudden voice could be heard.