Chapter 236: The Final 1

The next day, Alex and the others already arrived. 

''Morning Leo. It was a good match I almost lost.'' Alex said the moment he saw his friend. Because yesterday both were extremely tired they didn't have the time to chat. 

Wearing a bright smile Leon answered, ''Indeed, it was a good fight. I concede this defeat. Next time I will win. By the way, that last move of yours completely caught me off guard. I wonder how many unusual skills do you have?" 

The others were interested in knowing what kind of ability Alex used. What type of ability can make you switch places with your target? Isn't it too godly? 

Before Alex could say anything a commotion started. Artemia and Lilith had arrived. 

''Look the Third princess is beautiful than usual. She is ready for the match.'' 

Someone among the spectators said another one added,

''She will win. Even though Alexender is talented, he is nothing in front of our Goddess. He will lose.''