Chapter 239: An Unexpected Meeting

Late in the night in the First Prince's villa.

In one of the bedrooms, Adler could be seen sitting around a table while tapping repeatedly on it. Kneeling not far from him was a man dressed in black.

The man in black hand over something to Adler, it was paper.

After reading it Adler threw it away, there was a frown on his face. 

Tap! Tap! Tap! 

''So this all information you found on Alexander?" Adler asked. 

''Yes, your highness.'' the man in black answered, his head lowered as he didn't dare to look at the angered Prince. 

''Sigh! There is nothing to use against him. While it pains me how well guarded he is. I can't help but postpone my plan. He can't be used as he had already offended me. Putting his hands on something he shouldn't have.'' 

When Adler was talking he couldn't help but grimace as he recalled that his angel was taken. 'How dare he that lowly scum to put his hands on his property.' He shouted inside his mind.