Chapter 251: A Hidden ability?

When Alex came back to the library, both girls stopped chatting and turned to face him. 

''How did it go?"

Luna was the one who asked this. 

Sitting between the two, Alex responded. 

''Pretty well. Katherina came to apologize and asked that we start anew. After a moment of consideration, I accepted.'' 

Luna looked at Gracier as if to say, 'Didn't I tell you?'. 

Gracier pouted. Smiling at how cute she was, Luna stared at Alex intensely and said.

''Well, you accepted after gaining some compensation, am I right?" 

Scratching his nose, Alex said with a smile,

''You know me too well.'' 

''Big brother, I wanna see what you got,'' Gracier shouted; she was curious about what Alex gained, knowing her brother he must have got something good.