Chapter 258: Into the dungeon

Early morning the next day, they finally went to the dungeon's grounds. Artemia led Alex and Isabella to the dungeon.

Isabella was the vanguard, Artemia the midguard, Alex at the rear; he can also play the two other roles as a long-range attacker. 

They walked through the village while feeling the cool weather on their skins; it was a fine autumn day. 

They encountered adventurers on the way; those adventurers were probably going into the dungeon. The second dungeon, the most used, different from the one Alex and others were going into. The adventurers they encountered ranged from parties of 5 to people going solo. Alex could also see a few parties of up to 10 people. 

Ignoring the curious stares they were receiving, the three continued forward, and soon they arrived before the dungeon. 

Several adventurers were lined up at the entrance of the dungeon. Roughly 20 people or so, about four parties if you consider one group having five members.