Chapter 288: 25th Floor

Alex's group slowly descended to the 25th; Artemia sneaked a peek at Alex and thought.

'If he had that ability, he would be a scary opponent. It is a good thing I'm not his enemy; I must never become his enemy no matter what.' 

After making this decision, Artemia smiled.

''What kind of Boss will we encounter on this floor, I wonder? Alex, do you have an idea?" 

Facing Artemia's question, Alex shook his head. 

''I don't know. We will know once we get there. By the way, how many floors are left until he reaches that, you know what I meant.'' 

It was now Alex's turn to raise a question; his question made Isabella's body tensed up; it seemed that the Elder Lich left a pretty deep scar on our lady, Alex thought when he saw Isabella's reaction.

''Five floors after the next floor. That skeleton wouldn't be an easy opponent. I-" 

''It is why we must use the next floors to get stronger as we can. Isn't it what you were trying to say?"