Chapter 309: The Departure

Late in the night, Blue Haven villa, Alex could see staring at the stars in the sky; he was lost in thoughts; he didn't even notice Maria's arrival.

Maria stood silently beside Alex and observed the stars as well.

After observing the stars for ten minutes, she finally talked. 

''You can't sleep either?" 

''Yeah. I wonder where she is? What are they doing to her? I swear if any harm were to happen to her, I would slaughter everyone one of them.'' 1 10 i

While saying this, Alex released a thick killing intent that almost twisted reality; Maria gulped.

''Don't worry, we will help you find her and teach them not to mess with the Touch family.'' Maria declared. 

Hearing Maria emphasized the word family, going to the extent of saying the Touch family brought a little bit of warmth to Alex's chaotic heart, unconsciously he smiled.