Chapter 337: Each their own Decisions 1

Deep in the night, Alex's sturdy room.

Currently, apart from Alex, two persons were present, Pandora (Meera) and Alice. 

''Let's me ask you again, Meera, do you really wish to stay. I can give you back your freedom.'' 

Alex said as he kept repeatedly tapping on the table.


Alex glared at Pandora (Meera), she immediately corrected herself, it was because Alex gave her a new life, a contract was formed between them at that moment, since then Alex became her master, however, he didn't like that appellation because he saw her as a friend, although she has become her subordinate, it doesn't change that. 

''Yes, Alex, I wish to stay beside you. There is nothing for me to go back to my hometown to do anyway. The old Meera has died. Would you please call Pandora from now on? I wish to assist you.''