Chapter 343: The Emperor's Birthday 2

After the small episode with Kuina's mother, peace returned to the hall, and soon the princes and princesses made their entrance.

It was the first time since he separated from her at the temple of Gods that Alex and others saw Priscilla again; she winked at them. Alex saw the other princes; the first prince, Adler, glared at Alex as if he had stolen something precious from him, this confused Alex. 

''Say, what is his problem? Do I owe him something?" Alex asked Maria secretly; Sakuya and Luna happened to overhear it. 

''Isn't it because you stole his dear sister?" Maria responded with a question; Alex was surprised.

''What a siscon?" 

''Say another siscon,'' Sakuya commented.

Alex frowned, being called siscon; he didn't believe he was one. It was like when drunken people never admit to being drunk. Just as Alex was about to deny Sakuya's claim, the emperor's arrival has been announced.