Chapter 351: Clemen's Mansion 3

The moment Sam's group and the Baron entered the first floor, the lights were switched off, making the room turned dark all of a sudden.

Whoosh! Clangs! 

The person who was trying to use the darkness as a cover to strike the group, this person mainly aimed at the weakest of the group, it was to say, Clemens. Unfortunately, Sam was faster; he had seen through the enemy ploy, so he moved and blocked the strike. 

''Hihihi! Yer not half bad. Let's see if yer can protect him after I use my special attack.'' 

The assassin laughed and threw a smoke bomb against the ground before his presence vanished; after entrusting the Baron to Mio, Sam vanished as well. 


And when he reappeared, he was behind that assassin who thought that his special homemade bomb plus the dark would have perfectly obstructed Sam's sights until he strikes. 
