Chapter 403: Dungeon's Defense

At the same when the angel summoned by Lilith swung her giant sword and cleaved the island in two, it triggered something, so the dungeon reacted and sent those inside it outside. The dungeon forcedly warped them out with only one exception; only Alex was left inside the dungeon. 

''What just happened?" 

Alex inquired as he was still confused by the sudden shaking followed by Sakuya sudden disappearance. 

〖Something happened that triggered the dungeon defensive function that sent intruders outside of the dungeon. As for why you are still here, I believe soon we will find the answer.〗Silveria answered Alex's question. 

''I see-" 

Alex hadn't finished speaking when another blinding light happened, forcing him to cover his eyes. When the light disappeared, Alex found himself standing inside a room; it was a standard white room, then was a sound.
