Chapter 452: The Rematch 3

In another location inside the Demon's Goddess Dungeon, two silhouettes appeared before one of them fell on the ground producing a thud sound. This person rolled on the ground and finally stopped on his back; his figure was bloody, his lips cracked, and blood flowed out. Even though the man was in an extremely sorry state, the unwillingness to accept what just happened couldn't be hidden, and this annoyed the second man who had crouched down, one of his arms was missing, it was gone from the elbow, the man showed no emotion as he cauterizes the wound with flame magic.

''I wonder if you are an idiot. That power isn't something a newcomer like you can control, and yet you try to activate. I thought you were smart, but I guess I was wrong. There's no shame in running away when the situation is not favorable. Before using this strength before make sure your compatibility rate has increased, and it will come after you complete a certain number of missions.''