Chapter 458: Advancing 1

The next Alex group moved; after they decided on their next plan, they immediately departed.

Currently, the group was being surrounded by a group of giant scorpions standing over five meters tall. 

Sakuya was the vanguard, Lilith the midguard, while Alex stood at the rear. 

Using one of her Kendo's moves, she called [Mikiri]which means "to see with cutting minuteness," Sakuya dodged the giant scorpion attack and unleashed her own. With just one attack, dozen slashes targeting the monster's articulations were sent, using her sword intent, illusionary sword slashes were sent and passed through the monster's legs, the four legs were cleanly cut off, and before the monster could emit a cry, Sakuya reverse gripped her katana and sent a thrust forward, a greenish sword tore through the air before piercing through the giant scorpion head leaving a gaping hole there, the monster's body fell to the ground with a thud sound.