Chapter 493: Alexandra's Birthday and the Holy Daughter

Two days passed in a flash. Today was an auspicious day; on this day, Alex and others decided to celebrate Gracier's birthday; she had turned 15 two weeks ago.

The Blue Haven Manor was heavily decorated; in the enormous hall, tables lined with foods could be seen. At the center of the hall stood a birthday cake tall as Gracier herself. 

Guests coming from afar filled the hall, son of noble, daughters of nobles, classmates from the academy, and some of the academy teachers such as Chris came. Adler, the first prince, Katherina the second princess, came on behalf of the emperor. 

Suddenly, the hall turned silent because the star of tonight's celebration had finally arrived. 

Gracier wore a beautiful red princess dress; her high heels clicked against the ground as she sauntered forward. She was so beautiful that most of the young men present had their breath taken away, they fell in love. The most courageous one had already decided what to do.