Chapter 533: Into a Unfamiliar World


The sound of something breaking could be heard, and the scene changed to the most famous square in the capital.

Artemia, who watched everything from the spectator seat, knew what her enemy was about to do and sneered. 

Indeed, the enemy following action showed that Artemia's assumption was not wrong. 

A big window displaying Artemia and Alex having sex was shown, drawing everyone's attention. People were first shocked before soon these shocks were transmitted into hate and curses, such as Artemia being a whore, selling herself just for the sake of getting Alex. 

Normally, Artemia should have been affected, but she kept laughing; she laughed hard because her enemy had not disappointed her. 

''Stop it, it's boring. Those illusions would not work on me. So, why about you face me directly?'' Artemia shouted.