Chapter 535: Unforeseen Situation

While Artemia experienced her first death inside the tower simultaneously, Sakuya fought for her life. Just now, she had almost died under Set's attack; she only succeeded in keeping her life because she sacrificed one of her arms to escape.

''Huff! Huff!'' Sakuya panted heavily while clutching her severed arm; she did her best not to let the pain overwhelm her; if not, she would lose more of her already reduced battle capacity. 

Set didn't attack the weak Sakuya; he stood with his arms crossed, his head tilted to the side. 

''Although you fought bravely for a mortal, there is a limit, and you have reached yours. You can go back to train some more and come back challenge me; I shall give you a special token. Until you're back, I promise you not to go down.''