Chapter 540: Date at Night

Back to Torel's mountains. 

Two people were facing each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

''Tell me, Alex, do you know what you have done wrong?" Sakuya asked; her voice was chilly. 

Alex sighed; he had never expected to see Sakuya here and not in this condition. 

''I'm sorry, but the situation asked for it. I'm happy to see you here. How have you been?" Alex apologized while at the same time trying to switch the subject. 

Sakuya ignored him and shouted.


〖Do you think it would be that easy?〗Silveria chuckled. 

'I thought so.' Alex replied dejectedly before moving; he appeared before Sakuya and mumbled. 

''Time Stop''


Sakuya, who was about to unsheath her katana froze, on her frozen face, you could see her disappointment, disappointed because she could not play with Alex as she had intended. 

''Stop playing. Let's leave here first.'' Alex muttered and immediately canceled his ability.