Chapter 557: Before Departure 1

While Sakuya was testing her new technique on some poor hoodlums in the slum area, Alex sat up; he had noticed Sakuya slipping away but chose not to do anything, she was free to go out if she needed so fresh, well Alex knew better than anybody that it was an excuse, if he were to make a bold guess, Sakuya must have gone out because of what happened, being someone who loved to dominate others, the feeling of being toyed with under someone and submitting albeit non completely must have been unbearable, so she needs to let it.

''Well, I pity the poor men that are going to suffer Sakuya's wrath tonight. I pray for your wall.'' Alex joined his hands in the form of prayer. 

Silveria chuckled and commented.

〖Stop acting as though you ever care one bit about those men's wellbeing. Having acted as you did, you knew that she would react like this, so there is no need to play like this.〗