Chapter 569: The Result of the meeting

''So, you mean to say that this Incursio or whatever is the leader of the God's hand, the first guild?" Maria asked after Sera told them of whom they should be wary of.

Sera and Alice nodded their heads; both had grave expressions on their faces; no Sakuya expression was even more severe than the two as she had tasted firsthand how powerful that small girl was. 

''Sakuya?" Maria and Luna noticed Sakuya's unusualness, and they couldn't help but be concerned about why she was reacting like this.

''N-No, it's just that this girl is dangerous, truly dangerous, it's not something any of you can face,'' Sakuya said, stuttering.

This shocked Maria; from Sera and Alice's words, she had deducted that Incursio was dangerous, but having never faced her, her judgment was bound not to be accurate; however, from Sakuya's reaction just now, there was a need to reevaluate the one named Incursio.