Chapter 628: An Unusual City

After taking care of a few things in Sigurd, Alex, together with Eri, left for the upper floors. A golden light enveloped them as they disappeared, going on the next floor.

When Alex and Eri reopened their eyes again, they were inside a temple; two priests waited. 

''Welcome players into Z- City. I'm Clayton, a priest serving Goddess Althea.'' One of the priests walked forward, bowed, and introduced himself; the other priest, a female, just curtsied. 

For an unknown reason, Alex felt uncomfortable with the way those two were looking at them; most importantly, that word the one named Clayton said was disturbing him; he called them player, simply player, not immortal otherworlder like others from the lower floors called them. Something was not right, and Alex was not the only one to notice this; Eri also noticed it and became vigilant.