Chapter 648: He is hiding something

After Artemia told Alex and Maria was happened, the two decided to tell her what Maria went through after being sent to the lower floor while still unconscious.

''I see; I'm sorry, I didn't know you would end up in such a desperate situation.'' Artemia immediately apologized; she meant those words, and the two could see her sincerity; they waved at her stopping her from apologizing.

''You don't have to; if you haven't done that, Alex wouldn't have been able to find a solution to cure my side effect. At the same time, getting closer to cure Typhania.'' Maria said while looking at Artemia's reaction, as she expected, she could not react immediately. 

''I see, that's a good thing.'' Artemia nodded before her eyes widened as her brain had finally registered Maria's words. 

Alex was already laughing; he had expected some reaction but nothing close to this.