Chapter 705: Four against One 1

Alex caught his sister before it fell on the ground; he placed her gently in one of the spectator seats. 

''Don't worry, she just lost consciousness, nothing serious, she will wake up in one hour or two,'' Alex reassured the others; they heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his words.

''The last group, please come down.'' 

The four remained who had not fought him flinched at his words, none of them wanted to fight him after seeing how powerful he was, but they knew they could not fight; therefore, they went down. Sera was the first one, followed by Lilith, then Noire. 

Just as they landed, Lilith asked for a meeting, curious the three women joined, and in a small voice, they talked. Lilith gave them something; she was too quick, even Alex could not see what she gave them, but Silveria knew it because she chuckled.

〖It is the only chance of lasting longer.〗

'What did she give them?' Alex asked.

〖Her angel's feather.〗Silveria responded.