Chapter 708: Fool your friends first

In a dimension where there was nothing except for a man sitting before a giant chessboard, a huge white chessboard, the man was not playing; he was merely watching the chess pieces, the board was divided by white and black with the black having the most chess pieces, in fact, the black seemed to be slowly devouring the white and its chess pieces, the man dressed in all white was just watching.

Suddenly, someone appeared behind the man in white; he was not surprised he merely asked, his eyes still focusing on the huge chessboard. 

''How did the meeting with the gods go?" 

''Not bad, I told them to descend into the higher worlds to help them.'' The man that had just arrived sat beside the man in white and explained. 

''Huh! I see; let's hope this stop the invasion a little until-" 

The newcomer did not let the other finish before saying.

''Until your little chess piece, your King arrives there.''