Chapter 710: The Discussion 2

Sighing, Alex admitted defeat.

''You win, I'm joking. I don't really plan to kill them but to mask it as killing them. It would be like a movie but with no real death.'' Alex explained, while his plan was almost perfect it was missing something, to fool the world, not to let another Gracier easily detect a flaw; he must emit killing intent in the videos he would record to be broadcast to the world, to the Holy Crux empire. Like this, they would see that he really killed those officials, and it would put pressure on them.

Alex didn't care about what kind of name he would have after all of this; all he cared about was to rescue his lover; everything else was irrelevant. Reputation? To hell with that, it means nothing to him, especially when he never planned to stay here forever; Mysthia was too small for his ambitions; his growth would stagnate if he stayed here.