Chapter 721: Zero and Alpha's Meeting

Night arrived, and Avalon, the floating capital, was embraced by darkness. In a small corner of a big floating island stood a bar. 

The bar was nothing particular and had nothing different from most rundown bars that could be found anywhere in the capital.

Few presences filled the bar, and from their thick blood aura, it was not hard to guess that none of those present were to be trifled with. 

In this seemingly dangerous environment sat a woman; because a mask was hiding her face, it was impossible to see her face, but those piercing brown eyes and her brown hair were visible. Nobody tried to strike a conversation with the girl even though she had been sitting there for one hour already. 

As mentioned above, this bar might look like any other rundown bars out there, but with a slight difference which is here's the gathering spot of the most dangerous people; it was like one of the underworld meeting rooms.