Chapter 733: It Started Part 3: The Clown

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Rubus opened his eyes, he thought he was still in the carriage, but something seemed to be amiss.


He looked around him but saw nothing but darkness, confused he asked.

''Have we arrived?"

Nobody answered; Rubus frowned; finally, he came to his senses and felt an inexplicable chill. Looking around him, he saw nothing but darkness, then he understood that the situation was not right, he tried to move his body, but to his surprise, it refused to move as if someone had tied him up.


''What is this?''

''Who are you?'' 

''Show yourself.'' 

Rubus began to panic after seeing he could not move, nor could he use his strength; he might not be strong as the cardinals, but he was not weaker either. He was grandmaster, after all.