Chapter 756: Typhania Vs Zero 2

Platinum blonde hair and beautiful emerald eyes. Typhania was beyond beautiful only two existences currently in Mysthia could surpass her, Silveria and Nyx.

It was not an understatement to say she was the most beautiful woman in Mysthia if the two sisters were excluded. 

Even Zero couldn't help but admit that this woman was truly beautiful. For the first time, an unknown desire was born inside his heart. 

'This woman, I must make her mine, and to do that, I must beat her. I must win at all costs. Only this way she would understand how awesome he was and would have no choice other than to accept his request. 

Zero had no idea that this thought was twisted, but even if he were, he wouldn't care as the only that mattered was what he wanted. 

''You, become my woman.'' Zero suddenly declared; no, it was more of order than a declaration.