Chapter 763: His name is....

Now the only thing that was left since the object of her hatred was destroyed was endless rage, and this rage would be direct at her immediate target.

The fake goddess wiped away the blood on her mouth , and her injuries were instantly healed; grinning evilly, she announced.

"I will destroy this world as compensation.''

When she uttered those words, every single soul inside the holy capital heard it, and they were shocked. They wondered who was this arrogant woman and where was their Pope? 

It was then that woman added.

''After all, I'm your goddess, the goddess of Light!" 

There was an uproar; people began wondering why the goddess they worshipped wanted them dead? 

Meanwhile, Alex, who had expected some exaggerated reaction after his revelation was still shocked; this woman was a lunatic.

''What goddess? A fake goddess, yes!"