Chapter 770: The Invitation

Outside the dungeon entrance, Alex and the others were waiting for Sakuya to come out. Luna was still giving Alex the cold shoulder, but he could see that compared to before, things had changed a little bit, and he knew what to do.

''Big brother, when do you think sister Sakuya will come out?" Gracier leaned against her brother's shoulder and asked. It had been two hours since they were waiting here after helping clean monsters in the forest. 

''Don't worry, she is about to come out.'' Alex pointed his finger at the entrance. Because of many events and rapid growth, Alex could now easily detect mana, but only when it exceeded the normal flow. Because Sakuya was pouring her mana into Masamune unconsciously before swinging it, Alex could detect it and immediately understood what she had in mind.

Gracier wanted to say something, but before she could, there was a sound of something getting sliced apart, followed by a loud thud.