[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 794: Eve of the festival

The Touch's family temporary villa. 

Gracier could be seen playing with a bird; she would feed this bird and observe her reaction as she played with its wings when the bird was busy eating. 

Suddenly, as if the bird sensed someone approaching, she flapped its wings and ran away. 

Gracier's face darkened, she was displeased that someone disturbed her fun time, but her expression turned lively when she saw who it was. 

''Saeko, welcome back.'' She said and ran toward Saeko, hugging her. 


''Did you just grunt?" Gracier asked. 

''Yes'' Saeko responded before trying to separate herself from Gracier, the latter reluctantly let go.

''You are no fun,'' Gracier mumbled. 

'Not you too.' Saeko thought this was the second time she had heard that sentence. 

''Let's fight,'' Gracier said, trying to grab Saeko, who easily dodged her.