Chapter 804: The Higher World

As expected, women are still women. Always weak before compliments.' Alex secretly thought.

'I should use this move often.' 

''I heard you want to see me?" Goddess Mea said, breaking Alex from his formulating thoughts. 

''Yes,'' Alex responded immediately while thinking. 

'No wonder she didn't immediately appear. She thought I wanted to see her instead of talking to her via a medium. Well, it's a misunderstood, but I work to my advantage.' 

''I want to know what makes Mysthia so special for the Chaos Prince to target it.'' Alex raised a question. 

Goddess Mea was greatly surprised because Alex even knew the name of the mysterious entity controlling the chaos race. But upon further thought, she immediately understood that it was normal for Alex to know this because apart from his gift's spirits who fought on the frontline, nobody would know that person better than they do.