Chapter 815: Their Story

Never before has Alex felt like crushing someone else head as he was feeling right now. 

Incursio could feel the tension in the air, but this didn't stop her from cracking a joke.

''You don't have to be that angry; you will age if this keeps up.'' 

Well, now than never, she felt like she could joke. She had almost lost her life and was put into a deep slumber from which she wasn't sure she ever wake up. So, naturally, after waking up, she was excited.

''Can I punch her?" Sera asked while glaring at Incursio. Alex shrugged his shoulders in response. 

''You can, but I'm not sure if you will still have your head after that,'' Incursio responded, but to Sera, her smile was that of a demon. She felt a chill on her back and had goosebumps all over her body when that Incursio looked at her with those white eyes. Unconsciously, Sera clenched her fists, and her knuckles turned white from how tight her fists were clenched.