Chapter 824: The curious Incursio

After leaving the bathroom, Artemia personally went into the kitchen to cook something for them to eat, and after dinner, the two were now lying on the bed with the princess, using Alex's chest as a pillow.

''When I was a child, I'd always thought that exceptional people would be different.'' 

''For example?" Alex asked while reading a novel he had picked up recently, a story about angels. 

Artemia didn't immediately read a sentence in the book Alex was holding that made her smile. It was something the protagonist said to his friend. He said something deep which touched Artemia. 

'As sunlight enters raindrops and emerges as rainbows, so love enters each person's soul and emerges as their passions in the arts, science, and nature... in whatever sparks their curiosity and drive. It is how they find their truth and purpose. It is how they give of themselves to others. Love is what makes us who we are; it is the energy that brings us to life.'