Chapter 856: The Gladiators' King???

The Colosseum was a large structure. Aside from the VIP lounge, underground restrooms were dedicated to the gladiators who were scheduled to fight. 

Most of the rooms were grouped, with four or five gladiators having to share them as they equipped their armor or prepared themselves. But, only one gladiator had the right to a single room. 

The one who stood at the summit of them all. 

Currently, in the room of the gladiator king, they could be seen clenching their fist in joy and excitement, not because Leon won but because of the fight that would be happening soon.

Currently, their whole body and face was covered by a thick silver armor made out of adamantine, that covered their whole body and a helmet that hid their face, effectively hiding their gender and identity from the world. 

No one knew the true identity of the gladiator king; this was this sense of mystery that made this king even more popular than the previous one.