Chapter 896: Frost Devil 2

Before the Ice spikes could reach the Ice golem, it raised its arms and smashed it into the ground. 


It was as if the ground had been split, raising a white cloud in the air, a bone-chilling cloud; however, it was not what shocked Maria; in the middle of this white cloud, two small Ice golems appeared. The Ice golem had used its special ability.

''Tch! It has become troublesome.'' Maria complained, yet a smile was on the corner of her lips. This fight was exciting. She temporarily glanced in Alex and Artemia's direction. The two were facing the most dangerous monster.

A blizzard surrounded the Frost Devil. 

''Well, let's take care of this first.'' Although she wished to go there to fight because over there would be more exciting, she knew she couldn't do that as she had her own enemy to take care of. She wished to gobble the Ice golem XP; with it she might be lucky enough to get really closer, if not step into the Demigod Realm.