Chapter 923: To become human

Suddenly, as Artemia was about to continue the meeting, there was an unexpected visitor; this visitor was none other than Incursio, the one they were talking about.

Incursio observed them for a moment before chuckling. 

''Mind if I join y'all?"

There was a moment of silence after Incursio declared this, as none of them had expected this sudden visit.

After a moment of silence, Maria sighed and offered Incursio a chair. 

''Sit here.'' 

''Hehehehe! Thank you, Alexia.'' Incursio said before sitting next to Maria; she was sitting between Maria and Artemia, while Sakuya, Luna, and Saeko were sitting across from them. She was sandwiched between a strong lineup, not that she minded; she was sure to win if she were to fight them. 

''It's a good thing that you came as the purpose of this meeting has something to do with you,'' Artemia said as soon as Incursio sat, the latter nodded, and all eyes were on her.