Chapter 942: Foxia Empire again

''I'm such a good Samaritan. Don't you think too?" He turned in Saeko's direction as she asked that question.

Upon hearing that question, Saeko couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of her mouth perked up.

''You would have been a good Samaritan if you hadn't stolen all their space rings as you were sending them to meet their maker but I guess Samaritan needs to eat, so it's understandable,'' Saeko responded with a touch of sarcasm. 

Looking at this, Alex twitched the corner of his eye. He had no word to offer. 

After a momentary silence, Alex said.

''I got some nice spoils.'' 

To prove his words he immediately took something from the Mountain Bandits leader's ring. 

A modest shield with a symmetrical zig-zagged top and a symmetrically pointed bottom is supported by a fox on either side. All of which rest on a hilly landscape.