Chapter 963: From the kitchen to the bedroom 1*

''You are so good; where do you learn this move from?" The curious Alex could not help himself but wanted to know from where Maria had learned such a dreadful technique capable of insta killing any male. He was happy that he was the only one experiencing such pleasure. He would never let her go because she is too precious to him; she was his center of gravity; without her in life, his world would crumble; it was why he would make everything possible for that premonition never to occur, he would not lose her or any or them, nor he planned to sacrifice himself and leave them behind as he had finally understood, it is together with all of them could he achieve his dreams, his ambition and it with them, because of them everything has a sense and was worth it. This is his truth, his future, a future he would be working on. 

Alex was brought back to reality by Maria's answer.