Chapter 1054: Ice Empress Vs Lightning Empress

The darkness responsible for this tragedy glowed in Maria's eyes while black ice blossomed under her feet as she declared.

''What is next?" 


As if to respond to her words, another tomb opened and another grotesque man appeared and launched an ultimate attack. 


Unfortunately, it didn't work as he expected.


The grotesque man growled as his ultimate attack failed. Maria then appeared before him like a figure from hell, her porcelain white hand reaching out for her throat.

The grotesque man might be under the dungeon's will but he still has his own will, something that wouldn't allow him to be defeated by a human. He leaped back while blasting out a rain of black energy on Maria.

Dark threads of ice emerged from her stretched hand and pierced through the rain droplets before converging into a thick spear.

"Ah!" The grotesque man cried.